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Development Advisory Service and Feasibility Study, Clear Water Bay Road, Sai Kung

Client: Private Educational Institution Status: Completed in 2018 To act as planning consultancy in a multi-disciplinary team to manage the preparation of development proposal for the proposed elderly health care training school cum senior hostel within the school compound to facilitate the client's development plan. The development proposal offers background research and planning/land use appraisal. The multi-disciplinary team will investigate the potential environmental, drainage and sewerage, traffic and transport impact based on the suggested development schemes with opportunities and constraints of the site. The development proposal aims to deliver a development strategy illustrated in a conceptual master plan to facilitate future negotiation with potential joint venture partners and formal statutory submissions to governments.

客戶: 私人教育機構

進度: 已於2018年完成

擔任多學科團隊的規劃顧問,為擬建的長者健康護理培訓學校暨高級宿舍編制發展建議,以協助客戶制定發展計劃。 發展方案提供背景研究和規劃/土地利用評估。 多學科團隊將根據建議的發展方案及場地的機遇和限制,調查潛在的環境、排水、污水處理、交通和運輸影響。 發展建議旨在提供概念性總體規劃中說明的發展策略來促進未來與潛在合資夥伴的談判,以及向政府提交正式的法定文件。

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