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Feasibility Study for proposed Conservation, Adaptive Re-use and Development for a Buddhist Temple, Kam Sheung Road

Client: Religious Institution

Status: Completed in 2017

KJL was the joint study team leader with LCM & Associates Ltd, a multi-disciplinary team managing the feasibility study preparation. The development intention embodies both preservation of the existing temple and natural environment, restoration and revitalisation of the ruined, construction of new extension for Chinese culture and education use. This feasibility study includes a baseline review of critical factors and aims to deliver the site appraisal to identify development opportunities within the defined study area. In addition, it aimed to investigate potential opportunities and constraints and conservation requirements and technical issues such as ecological, environmental, land administration, freshwater supply, drainage, sewerage, and traffic. Based on this study findings, it is intended to formulate an overall development and conservation strategy illustrated in the preliminary conceptual Master Plan.

客戶: 宗教團體

進度: 已於2017年完成

KJL 與 LCM & Associates Ltd 是管理可行性研究團隊的聯合負責人。 這個發展項目旨在保護現有寺廟和自然環境,進行修復和活化工作,以及建設新樓作教育用途。 該可行性研究包括對關鍵因素的基線審查,旨在提供現場評估,方便識別研究區域內的發展機會。 此外,它旨在調查潛在發展機會,約束以及保育要求和技術問題,當中包括生態、環境、土地管理、淡水供應、排水、污水處理和交通。 根據這項研究結果,下一步會製定初步概念性總體規劃中的總體發展和保育策略。

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