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Proposed Temporary Warehouse with Ancillary Staff Quarters in Ying Pun, Kwu Tung South

Client: Private Landowner

Status: Approved by Town Planning Board in May 2020

KJL was commissioned in December 2019 by the private landowner/warehouse operator to prepare and submit an application to the Town Planning Board for temporary use of land in the "Recreation" zone" for warehouse and ancillary staff quarters. The same client previously commissioned KJL to assist them in complying with the last application's approval conditions approved by the Rural & New Town Planning Committee (No. A/NE-KTS/449) in 2017 for the proposed temporary warehouse use in the same site. The Town Planning Board approved the application (No. A/NE-KTS/486) in May 2020. Therefore, KJL is currently responsible for compliance with various approval conditions.

客戶: 私人土地擁有者

進度: 城規會於2020年5月批准

KJL 於 2019 年 12 月受私人土地擁有人(倉庫經營者)委託,準備並向城市規劃委員會提交申請,以將休閒區的土地臨時用作倉庫和輔助員工宿舍。同一客戶之前委託 KJL 協助他們遵守2017年農村與新城規劃委員會(編號: A/NE-KTS/449)批准的申請條件。在2020年5月,城規會批准了該申請 (編號: A/NE-KTS/486)。因此,KJL目前負責遵守各項批准條件。

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